So Much for Sag ~ 5 Nov 2012

One might think that with many bodies in Sagittarius, truth, higher ideals and clarity in communications of all kinds might prevail. Presently, the planets Mars and Mercury are in Sagittarius - Mercury on the verge of reversing track into retrograde land. Also in Sagittarius are the centaurs Pholus, Chariklo, Echelus, Amycus and Hylonome. As well, the likely dwarf planet Quaoar and the notable Kuiper Belt Object Ixion have their boarding passes stamped for a long haul journey under the auspices of the archer - the alleged sign of truth and higher mind that is truly the sign of embellishment, exaggeration, hyperbole and overly long sentences.

These bodies, by sign, stand in opposition to the planets Jupiter and Vesta in Gemini. Also clustering up in Gemini are the centaur Thereus, and Kuiper Belt bodies Altjira and Chaos. Perhaps these Gemini placements explain how the woman in Nevada who was arrested for attempting to vote twice came to the conclusion that might be a good idea.

It’s not even Mercury retrograde and so many online sites I use are and have crashed in the past few days - sites not directly affected by the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. As I comb the political news (I am an avid watcher) I am stunned by the amount of deceit, lies and pure balderdash being spewed in the interest of spin. Here in Arizona, a Senate candidate’s campaign was called out for robo-calling voters of the opposing party telling them to go to the wrong polling place.

Frankly, I am disappointed. I have to wonder why politicians (and advertisers and reality show creators) think people are so damn dumb they can’t sort the trees from toothpicks and the forest from the frenzy. Have we demonstrated such a lack of insight and clarity at large? I’m so frustrated I want to yell, “Get off the grass!”

Today and tomorrow, Jupiter retrogrades opposite the Great Attractor, which in theory accepts and acknowledges all points of view, beliefs and data points on the plot. Yet, this morning a vice-presidential candidate, who if elected would threaten metaphysical, spiritual and astrological beliefs, told those at a rally that the other guys would endanger Judeo-Christian values, heavy on Christian, light on Judeo.

Sure all the noise clutters up the signal. Chatter, innuendo and misinformation might actually seem tasty in times in which tons of celestial objects argue at each other across the sky from Gemini and Sagittarius. Having witnessed a few major election cycles during my time in this incarnation, this by far has been the worst.

Since the mainstream seems to be wildly distracted, maybe it’s up to those who can think clear to abate the runaway train of devolving consciousness. Maybe it’s up to those who understand the tenets of astrology.

I’m going to do what pundits, spin meisters and politicians do and cherry pick my favorite astrological points - and hopefully a lesser known point or two - and see if the seeds of collective reset can be sown. For the purposes of the points I am going to render below, I am factoring together Mercury in Sag, about to go retrograde, Jupiter opposite the Great Attractor, Ixion in Sag, Quaoar in Sag as main points.

Amalgamated, here’s what they seem to ask:

Have you honestly determined (with yourself) what your beliefs actually are?

Do your beliefs support your aspirations, goals and objectives for this incarnation?

Can you resist the urge to convert others to your views (after all, no matter how silly, people do believe as they do)?

Can you be a perfect example of your beliefs with every action taken?

Do you think with discernment and criticality, applying logic, facts and insight?

Do you hold the banner of your highest ideals above every task worthy of doing?

Do you know how to let yourself be divinely guided?

Can you apply your insights and guidance into the every day mundane world?

Do you bet or vote against your own best interest?

And if not:

Take today and tomorrow to reset your beliefs and views.

Establish a clear, evolving consciousness that you will follow with inspired impeccability.

Clear the noise and clatter of nonsense out of your head.

Dare to be outside the middle of the bell curve in thought, action and consciousness.

Establish what elements of life in which you must be included.

Exclude activities, tasks and individuals that cause a feeling of exclusion and/or minimization.

So that, when Mars comes to the Galactic Center next week (Nov 12 - 15) you can:

Take a central position in matters that require critical attention and do so with an insightful, progressive (in terms of consciousness, not politics, but if they are the same, so be it) and evolutionary point of view.

Offer insight and guidance that truly no one has ever presented before.

Create and carry with you attitudes of compassion, inclusion and the ultimate reminder that we’re all on this planet together.


Get off your duff and put your greatest ideas in play that you’ve not yet done for whatever justification or reason you not yet implemented.


In the very near future, things are going to be going faster than you think. Mid-week next week and for the ten to twelve days to follow, Mars will pass by a series of rapidly spinning pulsars in space. Those who are focused and tuned in will be creating, manifesting and making progress faster than many perceive to be possible.

Keep in mind, no matter where in the world you are, that in a few days, according to the polls, half of voting Americans will be sure the world is doomed by the election results. That’s not true. It’s only true if the guy I’m voting for does not win. The Sagittarius-Gemini axis in play demands that people come up with better ideas that transcend political lines of demarcation and address facts - yes real facts - that have been denied, suppressed or distorted.

Finally, there’s a lot going on in Pisces. Neptune, Chiron, and Kuiper Belt Objects Teharonhiawako, Salacia, and the unnamed planet (yes, it’s a planet) 225088 and Borasisi all swim through Pisces tugging at the Gemini-Sag axis as two fish not conforming with “school” mentality should. What will be very interesting short term, mid-November Jupiter retrogrades back to square the uniquely named Borasisi. Of all the Kuiper Belt and Centaurian bodies, Borasisi’s is the only name originating from literary fictional mythology, as opposed to the intrinsic veracity of mythology. Borasisi is the Sun in the mythic religion, Bokononism, in Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cat’s Cradle. Bokononism is a religion and filled with lies and propaganda that prevails in society. Life is better if the false beliefs are followed in Vonnegut’s literary archetype. This should be fun to see how much nonsense is revealed as Jupiter, alleged lord of truth and Borasisi square off in a cosmic lie/fact fight. There is no global warming. It’s a good thing, too, because Santa, also one of those there “is no such thing” myths, is finding that his North Pole habitat is melting for no damn good reason.

If it is true the Mayan Calendar ends next month, isn’t it time that all the citizens of the planet rise up with enlightened views?